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Team charter

Creating a design team charter within our organization




  • Me (Jade) - UX Designer

  • Michael - Director of Design

  • Ashley - UX Designer/Researcher

  • Thomas - UX Designer


Project Brief 

As a new team we want to create our own design team charter. 


What is the problem?​


There are no defined goals, vision, or mission statement for our design team at NetDocuments.


What is our goal?​


Start a conversation, brainstorm, and discuss what we want our team to be. This won't be done in the short week we have together (in person), but it will give us the bones to begin structuring our team for success.




Brainstorm our Mission Statement


Before we could be 100% confident that this platform would achieve our client's needs, we wanted to see what other products were out there that would be defined as our competitors. We created a spreadsheet that split each company into different sections, we analyzed their key features, customer reviews, and the company as a whole. 


Brainstorm our Team Values


The competitive analysis helped us focus in on the features we wanted our product to have. It allowed us to get an idea of the holes that the industry needed filled. We knew there was a market out there for it, but wanted to talk to actual people who would potentially be our clients. 


We conducted over 10 interviews with current XANT users and potential users to get an understanding of their current work flow. Then we followed up with questions about the concept of our future product and got an idea of whether or not it would be something that would improve their work flow. 


Brainstorm our Team Vision


Once we conducted the majority of our interviews, we decided to do a whiteboard workshop through Invision's Freehand. We divided the notes taken from the interview into common themes and answered valuable questions such as, what jobs were to be done and finished the sentence "how might we...".

Whiteboard Session

Whiteboard Session



We created personas based on our research and found there were 3 main users, Sales Reps, Managers, AE (account executive) /SDR (sales development rep). Dividing it amongst the team, we created storyboards on how these personas would use our product. 


Screen Shot 2021-06-11 at 11.52.44


Wireframes & User Interviews​


Once we were confident in the research we had, we moved on to create wireframes on Freehand. Ivy and I split up to design the screens that our personas would engage with, then after multiple revisions moved on to more user interviews, but this time based on the wireframes created. This gave them a visual to go off of, rather than having them think abstractly of the product we were trying to create. 


While the wireframes are not 100% what the product will look like, we got great feedback and some people who said they weren't interested in another product to use, changed their minds to, "This is exactly what I need". 


Screen Shot 2021-06-11 at 12.51.06

Wireframes & User Interview Notes

Design Styles, High Fidelity Designs, & MORE User Interviews​


You can see from the photo above that we got a lot of solid feedback from our user interviews. That helped us move forward to discovering what our design style would be for this new product. While us designers worked on the research, our manager helped create a design style guide. We wanted to transition everything, including our current platforms at XANT to Material UI. 


Ivy and I scoured sites like Dribbble, Pinterest, and Behance, to find inspiration on what this platform's UI would look like. This product was literally open to us to let our design mind's run free! 


Starting with the MVP, which was the Sales Rep's view of this product, we split up and designed our own version of what the opportunity page should look like. Then we came together to critique each one and Ivy as the lead designer took both and combined them into one awesome design. This is the method we took for each screen from there on. 


Deal (Jade).png

Design 1

Opportunity Page(ivy).png

Design 2

Opportunity Page.png

Final Design

As our designs moved forward, we still conducted handfuls of interviews to get feedback on our designs. We wanted to know what worked and what didn't. From there we revised, and revised. 




Sadly my time on this project has come to an end, but the progress we made while working on this product was amazing and I know that this product would help our clients with their daily workflows.  


See My Other Projects

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